NGSI datamodel to PoI operator は、FIWARE Data Models に従ったエンティティを Map ウィジェットに表示するために、エンティティをフォーマットするオペレータです。このため、エンティティに座標を含む属性を含める必要があります。また、このオペレータは、FIWARE Data Models に従っていないエンティティの場合、正しく動作しない可能性があります。このような場合、NGSI Entity2poi operator を使用してください。
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{ "id": "airqualityobserved_1", "type": "AirQualityObserved", "CO": 365.748071499, "CO_Level": "high", "NO": 51.465215153, "NO2": 67.382005495, "NOx": 2.524494603, "SO2": 15.619419412, "address": { "streetAddress": "streetname", "addressLocality": "Antwerpen", "addressCountry": "BE" }, "airQualityIndex": 9.013966484, "airQualityLevel": "good", "dateObserved": "2019-08-10T07:45:25.00Z", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 4.432838, 51.257595 ] }, "precipitation": 56, "refPointOfInterest": "28079004-Pza.deEspanya", "relativeHumidity": 0.401051481, "reliability": 0.301225884, "source": "", "temperature": -11.89573117, "windDirection": 162.320200841, "windSpeed": 0.154625896 } |
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[ { "id": "airqualityobserved_1", "icon": { "anchor": [ 0.5, 1 ], "scale": 0.4, "src": "" }, "tooltip": "airqualityobserved_1", "data": { "id": "airqualityobserved_1", "type": "AirQualityObserved", "CO": 365.748071499, "CO_Level": "high", "NO": 51.465215153, "NO2": 67.382005495, "NOx": 2.524494603, "SO2": 15.619419412, "address": { "streetAddress": "streetname", "addressLocality": "Antwerpen", "addressCountry": "BE" }, "airQualityIndex": 9.013966484, "airQualityLevel": "good", "dateObserved": "2019-08-10T07:45:25.00Z", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 4.432838, 51.257595 ] }, "precipitation": 56, "refPointOfInterest": "28079004-Pza.deEspanya", "relativeHumidity": 0.401051481, "reliability": 0.301225884, "source": "", "temperature": -11.89573117, "windDirection": 162.320200841, "windSpeed": 0.154625896 }, "title": "airqualityobserved_1", "infoWindow": "<div><p><b><i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-address-card-o\"/> Address: </b><br/>streetname<br/>Antwerpen<br/>BE</p><p><b><i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-clock-o\"/> Date: </b> 2019年8月10日午後4時45分 土</p><p><b><i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-feed\"/> Source: </b></p><p><b><i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-list-ul\"/> Measures</b>:</p><ul> <li><b>CO</b>: 365.75</li> <li><b>NO</b>: 51.47</li> <li><b>NO2</b>: 67.38</li> <li><b>NOx</b>: 2.52</li> <li><b>SO2</b>: 15.62</li></ul></div>", "currentLocation": { "system": "WGS84", "lng": 4.432838, "lat": 51.257595 }, "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 4.432838, 51.257595 ] }, "style": { "fill": "rgba(187, 207, 76, 0.3)", "stroke": "rgba(187, 207, 76, 0.9)" } } ] |
OpenLayers Map とのワイヤリング例
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#!/bin/sh curl "http://orion/v2/op/update?options=keyValues" -D - -sS \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Fiware-Service: wirecloud' \ -H 'Fiware-ServicePath: /data' \ -d @- <<EOF { "actionType": "append", "entities": [ { "id": "airqualityobserved_1", "type": "AirQualityObserved", "CO": 365.748071499, "CO_Level": "high", "NO": 51.465215153, "NO2": 67.382005495, "NOx": 2.524494603, "SO2": 15.619419412, "address": { "streetAddress": "streetname", "addressLocality": "Antwerpen", "addressCountry": "BE" }, "airQualityIndex": 9.013966484, "airQualityLevel": "good", "dateObserved": "2019-08-10T07:45:25.00Z", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 4.432838, 51.257595 ] }, "precipitation": 56, "refPointOfInterest": "28079004-Pza.deEspanya", "relativeHumidity": 0.401051481, "reliability": 0.301225884, "source": "", "temperature": -11.89573117, "windDirection": 162.320200841, "windSpeed": 0.154625896 } ] } EOF |
- ソースコード:
- ダウンロード: CoNWeT_ngsi-datamodel2poi_3.0.7.wgt
WireCloud widget and operatorWireCloud では、ウィジェットとオペレータと呼ばれる機能部品を組み合わせることで、Web アプリケーションやダッシュボードを作成...